The Students Wing of the Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists of Nigeria, NABET, (also the Students Wing of CBET) is provided for in Articles 59 and 60 of the constitution of the Association. It however, retains the name of the parent body, Nigerian Institute for Biomedical Engineering (NIBE) for historical reasons.
The Students Wing represents the undergraduate and postgraduate biomedical engineering and technology profession and its members in Nigeria and in international organisations, who are undertaking educational trainings at various levels including at the diploma, higher diploma, first degree and postgraduate degree levels. The vision and mission of the Student Wing is based on the conviction that the students are professionals in the making. Hence the need "to catch them young". Therefore, the mission of the Students Wing is: To introduce the biomedical engineering and technology profession to the budding professionals at their formative stages.
The Students Wing is organised at a national level composing of several campus chapters, whose activities are streamlined with the national programme.
The Students Wing is affiliated to the Engineering World Health, EWH, USA as an EWH Chapter and called NIBE Nigeria Engineering World Health Chapter. Following the affiliation, the Students Wing has become focused to engage in professional as well as social activities of huge global benefit.
Thus in line with EWH's objective to inspire and mobilize the biomedical engineering community to improve the quality of health care in vulnerable communities, the Students Wing shall pursue activities aimed at improving the quality of healthcare of Nigeria. More specifically, the Students Wing shall provide members with enhanced opportunities to participate in Engineering World Health activities, such as traveling to other countries, designing novel medical technologies appropriate for our developing purposes, building medical devices for use in The country and other developing countries, or promoting understanding and goodwill between the developed and developing world.