The aims and objectives for which the Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists of Nigeria is established are:
(a) To create an avenue for co-operation and information sharing between professionals in the fields of biological, medical, physical, engineering, environmental, management/social sciences.
(b) To apply engineering and physical principles, concepts and techniques to biomedical science, health care, human and social well being.
(c) To develop and promote the study and practice of biomedical engineering and related sciences.
(d) To design and evolve suitable methods, instruments and materials aimed at pursuing the technological advancement of biological and medical science research and practice.
(e) To instill in members and affiliate industries, the required maintenance culture in the biomedical, health and allied industries.
(f) To enhance and maintain links with national, international and multinational organs and bodies required to promote the Association’s objectives.
(g) To set standards for the professional practice of biomedical engineering in Nigeria.
(h) To issue regulations for safe use and application of biomedical equipment and techniques.
(i) To promote health and safety at work, at home and everywhere.