There are two kinds of membership of the Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists of Nigeria. These are:
(a) Individual Membership
(b) Affiliate Membership.
Individual Membership
Entry into NABET individual membership now entails enrolling into the College of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (CBET) as Associate II (for new entrants) and as NIBE/EWH Students (for undergraduates). From these levels the individual is expected pay the re-registration fees qualifying him to enroll into the Association of Biomedical Engineers and Technologists of Nigeria (NABET) as a member.
Individuals interested in registering as a member of NABET should apply by clicking here.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliates of NABET are Corporate bodies and organisations which desire to associate with the Association in the actualization of her objectives. They have met the requirement for Affiliate membership having shown evidence that they carry on business activities or transactions in areas relevant to biomedical engineering and technology as well as allied sciences, and to health or human and social wellbeing or else are interested in partnering with NABET.
There are currently four classes of Affiliates of NABET according to their staff strength and/or annual turnover. The classes are:
Class of Affiliate Staff Strength
I 501 and above
II 101 to 500
III 11 to 100
IV 10 or less
Corporate bodies and organisations interested in affiliating with NABET should apply by clicking here.